"Our job is not to make up anybody’s mind, but to open minds, and to make the agony of decision-making so intense you can escape only by thinking."
- Fred W. Friendly (1915-1998)

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you mad."
- Aldous Huxley

"If you have ever injected truth into politics, then you have no politics."
- Will Rogers

Friday, May 10, 2013

South Carolina Has A Spelling Deficiency

In case you haven't heard, South Carolina voters (who also went big-time last year for Newt Gingrich, so that tells you something) resurrected the political career of one of the more reprehensible blobs of vomit that pass as politicians these days, Mark Sanford.

Sanford not only got his 'indignity' up during the Monica Lewinsky affair and demanded that Clinton be impeached/resign, he did the same when demanding that Republican Speaker-designate Rob Livingston was not suited for the office because he "lied to his wife".

Of course, Sanford is the one who carried on a long-distance affair behind his wife's back, partly financed by state tax dollars....then had the grotesquely insensitive audacity to take his young son in front of a battery of television cameras at a press event and "introduce" him to his "new mother".   

Is it any wonder that many hope the Onion's satirical piece from yesterday might just have the ring of truth?

Oh... and can anyone in South Carolina spell "Serial Adultery"....or "Hypocrite"?   

....Didn't think so......

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