This seems to be dominating the news (although as usual the rest of the world keeps moving on and there are other things happening).
I am kind of lukewarm on either option, but leaning toward not doing anything at this point. Before I explain that, I want to say that I do feel sorry for President Obama in one particular way though.
This in a way is yet another direct legacy of the most miserable administration in my lifetime...that of George Bush II that have bedeviled this current administration from the get-go. Once again he is left with a repercussion of George II declaring war on Iraq, a very sacred and revered (and tenuously balanced) country to those of the Muslim faith.
The number of outright constant lies and fabrications that spewed out of that White House from that administration has cascaded into a massive distrust of anything concerning America going to war or even just dropping a few bombs on people who probably really deserve it. Of course there are also a number of people who either want to see the first black president fail, or just like going to war and/or shooting off guns in general.
I am leaning against it because I am going back to the founding fathers, who wisely counseled not only against political parties but also 'foreign entanglements', and I would like to see us get out of the role of "world policeman".
The strategy/dodge of "hiding behind the UN" is laughable and pathetic - the UN is as completely impotent as it has ever been, and the UN Security Council (containing both Russia and China) is the worst joke of all.
If the rest of the world is really outraged about the goings-on in Syria...then let them step up and take the wheel...and the historical rap for it.
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