As I reflect on the unbelievably incompetent, at times completely illiterate coverage of American politics in the "popular" media, one recurring thought comes to mind again and again. Who in their right mind would want to be President of the US? Sure you get a cool plane and the jail you have to live in is plusher than most, but what else are you going to do?
Look folks, our Founding Fathers feared two things above all else -- the establishment of an 'official' or state religion, and the establishment of an all-powerful 'kingship' under the guise of the Presidency. As a result, the US presidency is not all that powerful...unless you take the George Bush II view that "Wow! I can play army anywhere I want now...and I will just direct my lawyers to say its OK if I ignore the Constitution". In many ways George II was the scariest, and most anti-American and anti-Constitution presidents we have ever had.
Others though have had to deal with reality -- not only the "checks and balances" purposely inserted into the Constitution but the fact that Congress has to agree on just about everything a president wants to do. They also used to have to deal with an independent, edited, professional inquiring press!
The President has a limited amount of freedom in how to run the executive branch (which after all is "the government that gets work done") but any change in spending, revenue, or major policy changes including all cabinet heads and judges has to be approved or vetted by Congress.
This is the same Congress that stopped answering to its constituents about 2000 or so, and of course they and the President are all members of political parties, which
should tell you something right there about their capabilities.
But the ignorant media continues to pander shamelessly to the common falsehood that the Presidency is somehow this all powerful office that is responsible for everything from unemployment (thank you George II and your Wall Street buddies) to the weather, (and oh by the way he apparently wants to take all of your precious guns away so you all stop shooting each other).
Thinkers need to be on guard...there are a great number of morons and idiots among us...probably at an all time high in our country's history and unfortunately they vote !!
Do you?