"Our job is not to make up anybody’s mind, but to open minds, and to make the agony of decision-making so intense you can escape only by thinking."
- Fred W. Friendly (1915-1998)

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you mad."
- Aldous Huxley

"If you have ever injected truth into politics, then you have no politics."
- Will Rogers

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I Knew the Republicans Were in Trouble..But Really?

This is a little extreme even for them.  

They have plainly shown their utter contempt and outright disdain for the working middle class American over the last several years and demonstrated again and again their childlike fealty toward mega-billionaires and job-destroyers as well as the operators of our national disgrace - the death panels we call health insurance companies.  And of course they profess surprise when their party approval rating spirals ever lower.

But today they openly declared their dedication to the continued ability of the domestic violence perpetrators, murders, rapists, child molesters, criminally insane, and just plain convicted felons to continue to obtain weapons of any caliber and capacity at will...just by going to a gun show or finding a willing (or even unwilling if they can bully them) "private seller". 

That's getting a little desperate for people to say nice things about the Repubs.

No wonder the rest of the world is increasingly convinced that the US is populated only by the insane!

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